Cloud Computing Is Not Safe
Making the switch over to the cloud is necessary for many businesses, as it allows individuals to access company files anywhere in the world as long as there is an internet connection present. However, many first-time users of the cloud believe it is rather unsafe because they think anyone with an internet connection is simply able to hack into it and steal sensitive information.
While there is always a safety risk with storing anything on the internet, cloud computing is one of the safest options out there, as long as employees don’t hand out their passwords and usernames.
Cloud computing is far more reliable than having large, bulky network hard drives in the office. It ensures travelling personnel can download, view and upload essential documentation wherever they are, which helps a business expand its reach.
Mac Based Networks Are 100 Percent Safe And Secure
Some businesses love the look and feel of Mac computers and decide to go with these systems over a Windows-based one. This is completely fine, but one misconception is many individuals believe Mac computers are completely immune to viruses, hacks and other common Internet-based problems.
To some extent this is true, as fewer Macs are hit with viruses, but this really has nothing to do with Windows computers being more susceptible than Macs. It is rather so because there are far more Windows than Mac computers out there, so a hacker or virus designer is going to produce the malware for the larger audience. Regardless, it is still important to always have network security installed to protect the Mac computers from possible security threats. Also, as the market share for Apple increases, so too does the chance for a potential hack and security threat on that platform.
Outsourced IT Services Are Always The Best Option
For some small to medium-sized business, it might make sense to outsource IT services. It is less expensive upfront because the company doesn’t have to pay for a full-time IT professional to remain on staff. However, there are some drawbacks with this setup.
When you use an outsourced online IT service they are not able to look at the internal hardware of the business network in order to see what is going on, and if the internet isn’t working, it is next to impossible to access these offsite IT services.
This disruption can cost a company hundreds if not tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the length of time the network is down and the resulting pause in sales and service. For this reason, outsourced online IT services are not always the best option for small businesses.