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Get A 2024 Year End Payroll Procedure Checklist

Year end is always a busy time in the payroll department. To help things run more smoothly, the National Payroll Institute has created this payroll year end checklist of action items. We hope you find it useful! START-UP Create a year-end reference file Determine...

T4 Reporting as a Successor Employer

Firstly, what is a “successor employer”? A successor employer is a new employer that continues its predecessor’s business in substantially unchanged form and hires employees of the predecessor as a majority of its workforce. If your business amalgamates...

Workplace Privacy in the Evolving Digital Age

Much has changed in the workplace with respect to human resources as of late. However, payroll professionals remain committed to respecting their employees’ privacy in the context of the employment relationship. This may or may not be reinforced by legislative...

7 Steps for Effective Feedback

Feedback is a term that often carries a negative connotation in the workplace. When preparing for your annual review, for instance, you might feel nervous and apprehensive, as such feedback is frequently linked to criticism, negativity and perhaps even a touch of...

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