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Are you familiar with Softrak’s technical support policies? Knowing these may help you get assistance faster when you need urgent support.

Technical support is available for all Adagio Accounting customers. There are three options for obtaining technical support. Below is a summary of each to help you choose the one that is most appropriate, depending on the seriousness and urgency of your support issue.

Your Adagio Consultant: First Line of Defence
Support Via: Phone, email, online

Softrak sells Adagio exclusively through authorized Adagio Consultants. These professionals, like us, keep abreast of updates and changes in the software. Many Adagio Consultants have a professional accounting designation and/or an extensive accounting and business background. Support questions are often as much about accounting or business processes as they are about the software.

We have many years of experience in assisting businesses with accounting automation and can provide a spectrum of services, including support.

We offer fixed fee Access Level Agreements for unlimited access to our Adagio support expertise. Our in-depth knowledge of Adagio and your business processes will often enable us to provide the fastest, least expensive, and most direct method of getting your issues resolved.

Softrak Technical Support Forum
Support Via: Online

Softrak’s Technical Support Forum is free to use. Post a question and you will have one or more responses from Adagio Consultants and Softrak technical personnel to help you understand and resolve your support issue.

The forum is constantly monitored between 8:00am and 5:00pm Pacific Time on business days and answers are often posted in under an hour during that time. However, there is no guaranteed response time for forum postings. Off-hours monitoring of these forums is also done, but there is no certainty of a response outside of Softrak’s normal business hours.

Softrak requires that your Adagio software be registered in order to log in to the Support Forum.

Our Technical Tips on p.2 of every issue of The Score are extracted from the Softrak Technical Support Forum. If you haven’t visited, it is definitely worth checking out.

Softrak Technical Support
Support Via: Phone, email

Softrak provides technical support by phone for end users on a Per Incident basis. However, this support is limited to non-specific questions such as “How do I reverse a cheque?” or “How do I edit a spec file?”. They cannot answer questions like “How do I use this module for my business?” or “How to I resolve printer issues, beyond print to preview?”. Contact their Customer Service for pricing.

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